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Inflammation. How to get it Under Control.

There’s no way to get around it – inflammation is a necessity. You may be thinking, “Wait, I thought inflammation was bad and I should avoid anything that causes it”. You’re not entirely wrong for thinking this. Chronic inflammation is linked to cancer, neurological disorders, autoimmune diseases, depression, anxiety, and heart disease. Acute inflammation on the other hand triggers our immune system to start the healing process, thus helping us to fight injuries/sickness. As you can see not all inflammation is “bad”, the trouble is when we stay inflamed. This can be due to constant stress, poor sleeping habits, lack of physical activity and/or poor nutrition. This blog is going to focus on the nutritional aspect. These 10 habits can help reduce inflammation.

  1. Eat more veggies and less meat.
  2. Consume 25-30 grams of fiber a day.
  3. Eat organic as much as possible.
  4. Limit or eliminate processed and packaged foods.
  5. Try to not eat when you are in a stressful state.
  6. Be present when eating. Shut off the TV and focus on your food.
  7. Diversify your diet. Don’t eat the same foods every day. Try something new on a weekly basis.
  8. Feed your micro biome. Add leeks, bananas and/or sauerkraut.
  9. Limit saturated fats (land animals, dairy, fried foods and baked goods).
  10.  Avoid processed sugars and artificial sweeteners. 

Making the above eating habits part of your daily life along with moving daily, getting 7-9 hours a sleep and taking time for yourself will help reduce your inflammation and reduce your risk of getting sick and/or having a major health issue. 

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