09 Jun
Scott Keppel

Starting on all 4’s.  Keeping your abs tight, take your gaze up while lower your stomach then lower gaze and raise stomach.   

09 Jun
Scott Keppel

Starting off on all 4’s extend bring opposite elbow and opposite knee  together then exhale and extend arm straight forward and leg straight back.      

09 Jun
Scott Keppel

In a push up position with feet on ball (if feet on ball is too difficult put your shins on it).  On the exhale lifting hips up roll ball in as much as possible while keeping your back flat then inhale and return.   

10 May
Scott Keppel

Day 1 **Preferably use a mini band, if you are able and want to go even more intense use a mini band over knees and one over ankles *Wide to narrow squat jumps x 30 seconds then hold squat for 30 seconds w/laying on back feet 6 inches off ground and pull right leg out…

10 May
Scott Keppel

Lay on your back with your arms and legs extended.  While exhaling sit up all the way wrapping your arms around your shins at the top, inhale and return to starting position.  If you are unable to sit up all the way start in same position but end still on your back grabbing your shins…

06 May
Scott Keppel

Laying on your back using a ball if you have or the floor drive your hips up while keeping your knees and ankles in line.  Lower hips just above the floor and repeat.   

06 May
Scott Keppel

Conventional dead lifts can be done with a bar, db’s or kettlebells.  Think of picking up something heavy with this movement.  Have your feet about shoulder width apart bend your knees keeping your back flat and core tight, while driving hips forward and core tight stand and squeeze your glutes and the with control lower…

06 May
Scott Keppel

Step ups and raise back leg up-drive through foot that is on the step/bench pushing through your heel and glute.  As you come to the top of the movement extend back leg up raising through glute.  I prefer to do one side then the other as I feel it allows you to focus on your…

06 May
Scott Keppel

Laying perpendicular to the bench with head and shoulders on bench and hips suspended, lower hips and then squeeze up through glutes keeping feet flat on ground.  You can add a bar, db, sand bag, ext.. across hips for added resistance.